Build Todo List With Vuejs, Vuex, Vuetify and Firebase 🔥
đź”Today I’m going to show you how to build application from scratch using The most powerfull SPA Framework “Vuejs” with Vuex over Typescript, Vuetify for the material and Firebase 🔥.
Part 1: Installations & Configurations
- Node.js & Npm (
- VSCode (
Open terminal / cmd and type:
$ sudo npm i -g @vue/cli
$ vue create vue-todo-list
$ cd vue-todo-list
Install vue-generate-component-typescript
$ npm install -g vue-generate-component-typescript
Project Structure
- node_modules: contains the libraries from npm
- public: include statics files.
- src: the source code of the project
- components: vue components
- router: include the router navigation of the app
- store: include vuex store
- views: the views layers of the app
Add Vuetify
$ vue add vuetify
Open tsconfig.json file and add
"types": [
"vuetify" // <====== Add this line
Welcome to Vuetify
Run the project
$ npm run serve
Open your browser and type http://localhost:[your-port]
Lets make some changes in the project, Remove “HellowWorld.vue” from components folder and also remove “About.vue” and “Home.vue” from views Folder.
Now, Lets generate home class based component with vgc
$ vgc generate component src/views/home
Open App.vue file and replace vuetify template with a router-view template
Open router file, router/index.ts and remove the old home and about components. your index.ts file will looks like this
Run the project again
Part 2: Vuex — Data Store
Vuex makes it easy to manage the state of your application. Another way of looking at this — it helps you manage the data you display and how you respond to user actions.
Note:I would suggest you to visit If you don’t know the architecture of state management technology.
Step 1 : Create create the model — task.model.ts file on src/models folder
Step 2: In the store folder create Result Generic Model
Step 3: Open store/index.ts file and and change the code
I just prefer to store the data in a single file, You can also separate store to Multiple files
We need to add 3 methods for mutations task — addTask, editTask and removeTask.
The only way to actually change state in a Vuex store is by committing a mutation
addTask(state, task: Task) {
editTask(state, task: Task) {
let taskIndex: number = => ==[taskIndex] = task;
},removeTask(state, id: string) {
let taskIndex:number = => == id)
taskIndex > -1 ?, 1) : new Error('Invalid index');
Actions are similar to mutations, the differences being that actions support asynchronous methods.. We will comeback and make action more operative.
addTask(contex, task: Task) {
contex.commit('addTask', task);
editTask(contex, task: Task) {
contex.commit('editTask', task);
removeTask(context, id: string) {
context.commit('removeTask', id)
Vuex allows us to define “getters” in the store. You can think of them as computed properties for stores. Like computed properties, a getter’s result is cached based on its dependencies, and will only re-evaluate when some of its dependencies have changed.
tasks(state): Array<Task> {
Final Result
Part 3: Todo List UI and Vuetify
Vuetify is a powerful material design based on vue with beautifully Handcrafted Material Component
Let’s create 4 components
- Header Component: src/components/header
- TodoList Component: src/components/todo-list
- AddTask Component: src/components/todo-list/add-task
- TasksList Component: src/components/todo-list/tasks-list
$ vgc generate component src/components/header
$ vgc generate component src/components/todo-list
$ vgc generate component src/components/todo-list/add-task
$ vgc generate component src/components/todo-list/tasks-list
Register Components Plugin
Now, Let’s create components.plugin.ts for components registration in plugins Folder and add the 4 new components above.
Don’t forget to import components.plugin.ts to main.ts
import './plugins/components.plugin';
Step 1: Home Components
Open home.component.html file and add the header and todo-list Components that we were created before.
Step 2: Header Component
open header.component.html and create the “app-bar” of the page
Now, In home.component.ts we need to define the title parameter and set Data from vuex store
Step 3: Todo List Component
Now, we are going to create the “Main” application by using add-task and tasks-list components.
Open todo-list.component.html and create add-task and tasks-list in 2 Separated rows
Step 4: Add Task Component
Lets and create a text-field input in todo-list.component.html
By using v-model we can add the new description
In todo-list.component.ts we need to dispatch the new task.
Step 5: Tasks List Component
Next, let’s create table for the event list, You can use any component you want I used v-simple-table, Go to tasks-list.component.html
In tasks-list.component.ts We need to create 2 actions:
- Complete Task
- Remove Task
Also, we need to get tasks from global store:
Final Result
Part 4: Firebase Integration
Because we’re planning to use various Firebase features we need to add the Firebase JavaScript library to the project as well:
$ sudo npm i --save firebase
Go to and create “vue-todo-list” application:
Now, We need to create configuration file for firebase, so let’s do it.
On the root’s project create new file called “firebase.config.ts”
import firebase from 'firebase';const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "<--->",
authDomain: "<--->",
databaseURL: "<--->",
projectId: "<--->",
storageBucket: "<--->",
messagingSenderId: ""<--->",
appId: "<--->",
measurementId: "<--->"
};firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig)export const db = firebase.firestore()
Now we are able to connect firebase database with our store, Let’s do that
In “store/index.ts” we need to implements the actions’s methods that we have Been created before — addTask, editTask and removeTask
addTask(contex, task: Task) {
.then(res => { =;
contex.commit('addTask', task);
contex.commit('editTask', task);
context.commit('removeTask', id)
We are going to change the getters method with a sort function.
Your store file:
We learned how to handle local state with vuex
, building UI with vuetify and Store adata on firebase cloud.